Social Walk | Exmouth Beach | Thursday 11th April | 2 – 3 pm



SKU: 457-04-11-2024 Category: Tags: ,


Time: 2 – 3 pm

Venue: Exmouth Beach

Social  Walk 

On this walk enjoy striding out on the beach at your pace. Faster paced then you will be asked to loop back to get more out of your walk. We will be out for an hour, including a warm-up and a cool down. We will walk along the beach enjoying the sound of the waves.  A lovely evening walk. The beach is a great surface to get even more from your walk working the 90% of your skeletal muscles even harder on the sand. it is also very easy to see if there id a clean place of the poles in the sand behind you. Join us!

Please arrive 1.50 to start the walk at 2 pm  

Toilets Foxholes car park

Joining Instructions

Meeting point – Outside the shop at the Life Boat Station EX8 2AY 

Book by 5pm the evening before the walk. 10 places.

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