Learn to Nordic Walk Beginners Workshop | Tuesday 24th August & 31st August 2021 | Powderham Castle



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Learn to Nordic Walk Beginners Workshop

Time each week:  3.30 – 4.30 pm

Venue: American Garden at Powderham Castle

On this course 2 x 1 hour sessions, you work through the first 6 INWA 10 Step Teaching Method™, practice them using drills and enjoy working on your technique in a small group of 6 people, making friends along the way. 

5 places.

Includes poles hire.

All dates –  Tuesday 24th August and 31st August

Joining instructions – Please read these

Meeting point – Car park at Powderham Castle at least 10 minutes before the course starts. Or earlier if you would like to use the toilets as they are a good 10 minutes walk from the car park.

After entering the main gates. Keep to the left/straight on through the Main Entrance to the Castle, over the small bridge. The car park is on your left.